Tuesday, October 14, 2008

iTunes, iPod, and the Library

One of the more recent trends I've noticed in the library is the move to digital and downloadable formats. Nowadays people live in their own private audio universe and with the advent of the iPod libraries have been trying to make available downloadable formats for personal MP3 devices---but they've run into a few problems. CML uses Overdrive's service for downloadable materials; the problem is that the material on Overdrive is not compatible with iPod devices. This is a major problem as 80% of the MP3 market is control ed by iPod.

I believe it is possible to provide iPod support at the library and when I mention this idea to my friends they love it. The idea of coming into the library and putting the new Little Wayne (greatest Rapper alive) on my iPod FOR FREE in a matter of minutes is infinitely appealing. It is a service that can also fall within the legal rights of DRM covered music sold through iTunes (i did a bunch of research on this: under Apple's DRM a downloaded song can be placed on 5 computers and be put on an unlimited number of iPods-yay!)
I have a lot more on the specifics of this on my other blog that is yet to be posted but it's a great service and it is possible! I'm working on making this happen at CML at least in the teen areas with tactical project 1.5.3.

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